Holiday Home Staging Tips

This may be the most wonderful time of the year…but as we all know, that doesn’t usually extend to the Real Estate market. If you aren’t putting a painful dent in the down payment fund with all that shopping, then you’re busy with party after party, family in town for visits, etc. For all of its seasonal traditions, December is not traditionally the season for Real Estate. For that reason many home sellers understandably feel that putting much effort into staging or prepping their homes during the holidays is just that…too much effort. Well they would be wrong. Because that just means that those who ARE looking are very serious indeed…and definitely intend to buy.

This doesn’t mean a lot of extra work beyond what you are already doing. Just a holiday twist on your attention to detail will do quite nicely. Follow these holiday home staging tips and find your stocking well stuffed when the fat man comes to town, or at least a home buyer with a fat wallet!

Stage Your Home, Not a Revival

Remember that while this may be a very spiritual time of year for you, many of your potential home buyers are likely to have a different take on it than you. Don’t beat potential buyers over the head with anything too religious in nature, but just some neutral holiday cheer and good will. You are out to sell your home, not convert the buyer.
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